I was the buyer and Gwen represented the seller in a real estate transaction for a house Palo Alto. The deal was not a straight-forward deal and Gwen had made some special arrangements with a second lien holder in order to get the house on the market at a fair market price. Something went wrong and in the last 5 days of the 45 day escrow, Gwen (and my agent) proposed that I kick in an addition sum of money to make the deal complete. I think it had something to do with the agents getting squeezed on their commissions by the second lien holder. Anyway, this was totally inappropriate since I was not a party to the arrangement between Gwen and the second lien holder -- and besides which we had long since removed all contingencies on the deal. Gwen is a nice lady and I'm sure she meant well, but I wouldn't trust her to have a client's best interests in mind.