I have never had such poor customer service at a medical facility as I have here. The people are nice and friendly but are very inefficient and unreliable when it comes to returning phone calls. The doctor I see is great, I really like him. When I have a question I have learned it is easier and faster to just schedule an appointment and go see him and ask him in person than it is to call and leave a message asking for a response. I have had so many problems scheduling referrals, getting prescription refills, getting results on tests, and just basically getting any kind of response to messages left. I have spent 45 minutes on hold to the 'message line' to leave a message to hear that the mailbox is full. The front desk transfers you to a message line instead of taking your information themselves. As a result the messages do not get where they are supposed to if you are lucky enough to be able to leave one. I was on vacation and needed a refill on my medication that I had forgotten. I called and left four messages and got no response. The pharmacy I was working with sent four faxes and got no response. The way I finally got my meds was to ask for the office manager and file a complaint. I have actually done that three separate times when I really needed something. Why do I stay you might ask? Well it isn't that easy with my insurance to switch primary providers and I am new to the area and don't know who is good and who isn't. I really like my doctor as I stated earlier but the office staff is very poorly organized and provides awful service if you are phoning for anything. Did I mention that I routinely have to wait 30-45 minutes each time for my scheduled appointment? The only way I get in within 10-20 minutes of my appointment time is to schedule my appointment either first thing in the morning or the first one after lunch. To top it all off, I can't even get my blood drawn in the same building much less the same office. What a hassle.