Gulf Coast Physical Therapy Centers,PA is a Physical Therapist owned practice offering comprehensive outpatient services at 3 convenient locations across the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The highly skilled and licensed professionals provide a superior quality of care in a cost-effective manner. At our GCPT,our main objective is to minimize recovery time,restore function and educate the patient.
As specialists in orthopedic and manual physical therapy,our therapists have both the skills and the experience to evaluate and effectively treat painful symptoms safely and efficiently. The therapists offer patients a broad spectrum of interventions including therapeutic exercise,traction,modalities,as well as an expertise in joint and soft tissue mobilization. Working with employers,wellness clinics,case managers,nurse practitioners and physicians,the therapists are able develop specific treatment programs aimed at achieving optimal performance and thus returning the patient to work and normal daily activities.
Gulf Coast Physical Therapy provides various industrial programs to meet the needs of local industry and employers. With over 25 years of experience in the industrial setting,our staff has a proven record of workplace injury reduction. Our primary goal is injury prevention. Our therapists provide presentations on proper body mechanics and work place safety. We work with employers and employees to develop job descriptions based on actual physical demands. Additionally,our job site analysis assists employers in identifying potentially dangerous musculoskeletal risk factors. We can assist in designing per-employment screens to help identify and reduce potential risks. In the event of an injury,our rehabilitation programs can include,return to work,work conditioning,and functional capacity evaluations.