Guitar repair, Banjo repair, all string instrument repairs located in LaSalle IL
Guitar Junkyard & String Instrument Museum is located in LaSalle, IL. We are a string instrument repair and restoration shop. For over 30 years, we have provided personal service and attention to detail to every customer. We repair:Electric and acousticGuitarsBanjosViolinsMandolinsMandolaBase FiddlesViolasLap SteelPedal SteelUkulele (Uke)Dulcimersvirtually all stringed instruments.Repairs can often be completed while you wait. We have a variety of parts in stock and will special order whatever you need. Looking for used and reconditioned instruments? Look no further! Guitar Junkyard & String Instrument Museum has it all.Come and enjoy our string instrument museum and learning center. It?s enjoyable for the entire family!Stop by Guitar Junkyard & String Instrument Museum. You won?t be disappointed. New/Used Guitars and String Instruments|Personal Service|Repairs|Restoration|Strings