James Guardalabene formerly of Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato is now a proud Associate of Harder Funeral Home in Brookfield. You can reach him at (262) 781-8350
All reviews seem positive
The Schmidt & Bartelt website is prepared to give you, the consumer, the information you need to make informed decisions regarding funeral services. You will find here a frank and open discussion of some of the elements of service that directly impact on service by knowing what you are purchasing and what is of value in the funeral service is just as important as it is with any other major purchase you may make. Perhaps even more so with a funeral because the funeral represents ?a life lived.? Just understand the value of a funeral and what it should cost. After all, so much of what a funeral home does is never seen by the consumer and therefore may not be perceived to be a value.. * Funeral and Cremation Service * Pre-Planning * After Care Other Associates: * AA Schmidt * John J. Clark * Guardalabene & Amato * Heiden & Lange * Notbohm-Kreutzmann * Schmidt AA & Sons