I have had my autistic brother use them twixce the first time he was left downtown and I had to find him. after thier apology and saying it would never happen again we used them agian and guess what. they pick him up over 1 hour late and then said they would pick him up a half hour later because of it. he called us and said that he had not been pick up yet and it was two hours later then his said pick up time. My sister and I tried for 30 minutes to call with a busy signal. my sister finally got through but was on hold for another 20 minutes. I in the meantime call the customer service center and they could not even get through my sister finally got with someone but they stated that they had shown up at the original pick up time we had scheduled (remember they dropped him off an hour and a half late)and he was not there so they would get him when they could. We stated that this was uneceptable and that he was handicapped. My stated to them would you be this way if it was your chidren being left downtown. they fainally picked him up almost 3 hours late. Do not trust these people with your handicapped or elderly persons they could care less about thier safety