One of the most frightening things is finding yourself involved in a legal matter that has you on the wrong side of the law. What made that fear exponential in size for me was being at the mercy of those prosecuting against me. During this trying time, I felt like I was climbing an uphill battle. What I've found in common with the masses is that no matter what your allegation(s) is/are, we the public truly want to feel like we are afforded the right to fight for our innocence, and Patrick Grozinger, is whom, if you had one choice that you would want in your fox hole. What makes Mr. Grozinger the " go-to-guy " for the job is the fact that he does not pacify you. There is no stroking your ego with this man. What he does is present the facts and articulates his expectations to you candidly. However, Mr. Grozinger does go the extra mile to provide true council and support in your decision making. The rest is up to you to meet him half way and hold up your end of the bargain. I strongly recommend anyone before making any legal decision to first consult with Mr. Grozinger. I never plan to find myself in an adverse situation again legally, but if I did, I'm thankful that Patrick Grozinger is accessible and stored in my contacts!