I sent my horse Gator 21/2 yr old Quarter Horse to have cryptorgans casteration sergury.He said proceedure went fine mornin of July 22,09,he checked him next mornin after leaving him in stall overnite unattended an his guts fell out,he said he put them back in an they fell out again an got contaminated.He put him down with injection without permission,they didn;t evan ask for emergency ph #,just house ph.Why not more stitches or webbing internal to prevent death,if i knew no one was watching him i would have slept in a chair beside him an watched him myself.Doc Johnson said he would not do anything different,so this means he;ll end another perfectly sound horse.horses life with his proceedure.I recomend Ohio State,they care.Dr Johnson left on Vacation so i cannot reach him at all,i want Justice an I'm bringin Hell with me.Moneys not the object,after Viet Nam it was hard to get close or love anyone since my best friends were killed,my PTSD disorder from Nam led me to many yrs of therapy an counciling,my councilar recomended Horse theraputic riding an it worked,my right arm quit shakin an i fell in love with something after 40yrs of tryin,Gator was my best friend an companion,i had him broke to ride,shoe,an hauled,started twirling a rope on him,My therapy is over an so is Gator so i will do my level best as a Horse enthusist to stop this slaughter at Grove Clinic,this ain;t the first one hes done this to....Barry
Pros: Five star Butcher shop for horses
Cons: Said proceedure went fine then why did his guts fall out