My husband and I went to Group Health today to get a blood test and there was a table set up in the entrance. I went over and this nice volunteer asked me if I wanted a flu shot. I explained that I did not have on a short sleeve top. She said no problems they would accomodate me. she was right. I went to the conference room and ther were 3 nurses waiting to give us shots. We were in and out of the building within 10 min and that included 2 flu shots, 2 blood test and 1 atrip to the pharmacy to get some cold tablets. Way to go Group Health. Group Health also has a great emergency clinic set up for nights and on weekends so that you do not waste your time in sitting in a hospital waiting room. And cost is just a co payment. I have been there and you get thru it very quickly. At this time of year it is important to keep you healthy. I think all medical insurances should have this kind of service available to the subscribers. Heck sometimes we just feel cruddy and do not need to go to an emergency room, tie up a ER but do need to see a doctor and get some medications. Great job.