Never use Gregory's for your wedding or any event where attention to detail is necessary. My fiance and I had no trouble picking out tuxedos for our wedding and the staff was thrilled that we were ordering 8 tuxedos. After that day, nothing went well. Every time we called in with measurements for out of town groomsmen, the staff acted as if we were calling in for the first time. The day before the wedding, the groomsmen went to pick up tuxedos at different times as they arrived. On the day of the wedding, we disovered Gregory's gave us two vests with missing buttons, two vests in the wrong style, one shirt in the wrong style, one pair of pants with a hole in the knee, and another tuxedo full of water spots. Of course, by that point, one hour before the ceremony was too late to correct the problem. I called after we returned from our honeymoon and was told we should have called to fix the problem. I told them by the time we saw the tuxedos all together, there was no time. None of the groomsmen saw the tuxedos all together until that time. It was Gregory's job to ensure all tuxedos were identical and in proper condition. None of the guys knew what we ordered and shouldn't be expected to. And trying to see tiny details in the dark storefront full of high school kids getting ready for prom was nearly impossible. Bud, the manager, never claimed any responsibility for the problem and I finally had to say they needed to fix it and give us a discount. Two months later I'm still waiting for our refund, despite calling every two weeks since we returned!