It's unfortunate that Varnadoe would write the truth about a place that she indeed unfortunately understood and have sexist men write a review on their part, men that have an agenda. I myself have been in the place and have witnessed this sexist behavior first hand. How hard is it to understand the Moose Lodge is out to make money for themselves when a man calls, who has been out of work do to an illness and they push him off by telling him to call the Elks club. Do you believe the Elks Club pushed him off to another Fraternity? I hardly doubt it. If you feel you the need to get involved with helping in charity events, the Greensboro Moose Lodge 685 is hardly the place to take that risk. Do your homework before you get involved with these people. It is nothing more than an afternoon bar. Without that, they would have no revenue. And yes, the food is not worth the money. The Lions Club is the way to go. Honest people there. And women don't have to worry about watching their back. Varnadoe, you did a great job while there. Don't listen to them. You wouldn't have made it a year if you didn't and BTW, I've heard the tapes where she was smart enough to tape the one who said, ""We were going to fire you and the Administrator because we thought you guys were tight."" No reason to fire in my opinion but she's a hell of a lot happier. Get a life Moose Lodge and quit lying.
Cons: Too close to a nice community