Mr. H.R.W. the head tyrant, he is the superintendent and founder of the school, in a long line of teachers and administrators who badger and bully the children via the parents who put their children into GCA to excel beyond any normal standards of education. If a child's performance is anything less then perfection, god-forbid your child makes mistakes in primary school *gasp* your family and NOT the school is to blame because you have obviously not bull-whipped your child into early academic success and therefore are doomed to fail at GCA! Don't bother to bring your complaints to anyone who works at the school, because they are under the thumb of a man who is so right he can not be wrong! If you are a Christian and you are looking for the milk of human kindness and an understanding, tender attitude, LOOK ELSEWHERE! Either you will be ignored or will get SO fed up of self-righteous, hypocrisy you will leave willfully of your own accord. If you are looking for a nuturing safe-haven please take my advice and don't bother looking into this school. And for anyone who has a child who needs special attention in ANY way you will pay for it through the nose!