George Greenberg PHD-LCSW,BCD has practiced psychotherapy for over 30 years. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at LSU and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Tulane. Dr. Greenberg has served as a department editor for Family Process Journal and has been on the Editoral Board of the Journal of Cognititve Behavioral Practrice. Lecturing Nationally and Internationally. He was a research Associate at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California . He is the Director of Brief Therapy Center and Family Therapy Institute of Greater New Orleans LLC. He has published numerous articles on Theory and Treatment of Adults, Adolescents,Children,Families,Maritial, Couples, Groups including Hypnosis. andTreatmentAdults,Adolescents,Children,Families,Marital, Couples and Groups including Hypnosis He uses a variety of Models of Psychotherapy that are solution focused and change oriented. Therapy is viewed as a consultative collabrative process with clearly delineated goals Specializes in brief and long term treatment including Strategic,Cognitive-Behavioral,Dynamic,and Hypnosis. Including Crisis,Depression,Anxiety,PTSD , and Addictions. For Appointments Please Contact Dr. George Greenberg LCSW-BACS at 504-731-1500..
- Family & Relationship Counseling
- Group Therapy
- Hypnosis
- Marriage Counseling