Thanks for choosing GreenTek Roof Renew for your next home repair project. We've been in business for over 10 year with local offices in the Ohio River Valley as well as West Virginia and Kentucky. We take pride in making your home or commercial property like new again. Our home repair services range from fixing your leaky gutters to repairing the shingles on your roof. We can handle any of these jobs and look forward to coming out to your property and giving you a free estimate; you can also contact us and send us your home repair photos for a quick quote over the phone.
Our focus and scope for home repair is mainly repairing damaged exterior components of your home with the except of a complete roof replacement.
Why GreenTek?
Our talented team of professionals has a great deal of experience making customers happy. Our company was built on integrity, respect, and a great service. Finally, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and promise that you will get a great value.