?Gone 2x= utter disappointment!!! Mention Green Parot to someone over 21yrs old...they'll say I hate that place! Hello OWNERS....read up, we know there's SIX of you, somebody...STEP UP its Newtown, ?we deserve much better!! . GET INVOLVED! As residents of Newtown, we were excited to have a NEW SPOT--- but AWFUL in every way! Dirty, Long wait, obnoxiously loud, Untrained, unprofessional & unfriendly staff, dirty glasses (gross), terrible food; overpriced for quality- or lack of! ?I even met an owner & told him of my 2x experience... All he did was tell me he's a local lawyer & gave me his card?? ?Not even a SORRY FOR A LOUSY EXPERIENCE ST MY RESTAURANT?!?!? I was floored & THEN IT MADE SENSE... No customer satisfaction interest. ?I'll spend my money elsewhere.