About your bent antenna, it was not required of them to stop you because there are two sings before you even enter the car wash warning you about your antenna being up and it possibly being bent, so next time read the sings and have commen since to know to either shut your radio off so it will go down or ask them to remove your stationary antenna. After words, you got sent away because you got upset about your antenna, they have every right to send you away if you are causing a problem or causing a scene, and from my experience of being a regular customer there, i have seen lots of very angry customers getting mad over the smallest problems, and they are sent away with no questions asked, they have a business to run and they cannot run it with customers going off. Green lantern is a wonderful place to have your car washed and cleaned, not a full detail, but a quick and nice clean. The employees are great, and great managers to run the place, and for the other guy saying no one is over 20 on the management, there is, the General Manager is over 30, the two operation managers are over 20, and the supervisor is over 25. For the money you pay, you get an excellent service along with a friendly smile. Its a great place to go and i highly recommend it.
Pros: Great service, Friendly Smile, Cheap prices