After meeting Dr.Patel at the Green Festival a few weeks ago, I thought a business called Green Dentistry would be an efficient, minimalist, conscious and professional enterprise. I now believe the opposite is true. I was treated with the utmost kindness while I was there just, never really heard. The place is like a spa really so, if that's your thing, enjoy. I am NOT into spas and didn't want any of the treatment I was receiving. I received it despite my refusal at EVERY TURN. "Are you sure?" was asked no fewer than 12 times during my visit there two weeks ago. A warming back relaxer thing, headphones to wear during the cleaning, a paraffin wax treatment, a $100 dollar toothbrush that I didn't need/want! I always ended up with something I had refused previously. They need to take it down a notch...a few notches. Don't get me wrong, nothing was forced on me. It just became more and more uncomfortable to say, "No." Once I was asked three times before I gave in. I'm sure Nammy will be successful with this counter-intuitive yet socially acceptable business model of pampering people while being environmentally friendly somehow but, it'll be without my help.