We decided to retry this farm this year for our christmas tree because they are one of the few U-Pick Tree farms with Blue Spruce. The service was great, the price was right ($35 for ANY size spruce), and the people were friendly. The pickings were very slim though so don't be expecting this big adventure. We were told in the next few years, more trees will be available.
I wrote the below review first and now I have written the above update:We joined this farm to be part of the CSA (getting the produce delivered to your home weekly) two years ago and thought it was a so-so experience. It is a lot of money upfront (about $500) and that is understandable. The farm needs it to help with the costs throughout the season.
The produce we received was fairly brown and wilted when we got it on our doorstep. Many times it was so bad, we couldn't eat it. A plus is that the farm allows you to double up some weeks if you will be on vacation. The containers are about the size of two shoe boxes. We received a lot of squash and kale.
We enjoyed going out to the farm a few times. If you belong to the CSA, you can "pick" for free. This was a nice benefit except the fields were overpicked, full of weeds, and over ripe. We decided to stick with the local farmer's market this year.