If you need to take a pet to Grand Blanc Veterinary Hospital, ask for Dr. Fick or Dr. Keilen as they are compassionate and professional. AVOID dealing with Dr. Miller who is the owner of the facility. In the spring of 2013, I came home to a cat who was actively dying of FeLV. When he passed, I discovered two of my other cats had extremely elevated temps and I rushed them to an emergency vet. The next morning, they told me to transfer the cats to my regular vet who would need to further hospitalize them. (These cats did not have FeLV.) Dr. Miller was completely annoyed that he needed to deal with my cats. I was heartbroken to begin with and stressed and pushed to my limit emotionally and financially. He was callous and kept telling me that he would have to charge me extra because the quarantine would need to be "bombed" since my cats were there. I asked him if it was inconvenient to treat my cats. The sign outside of the building says: Grand Blanc Veterinary Hospital. Not outpatient clinic or urgent care. Deal with the emergencies and the tough stuff, Dr. Miller, or do us all a favor and retire early.