At Grace you will find a caring congregation!
Grace Lutheran Church Established in 1950 is Located at 2245 Walters Avenue in Nothrbrook, IL. We are celebrating our 60 Year Anniversary in 2010! Please join us for our weekly worship services: 5:00 p.m on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. on Sunday by Pastor Robert W. Graul.Children are most welcome and we encourage families with young ones to sit near the front of the sanctuary so they will be able to see and experience worship firsthand. Child care is available in the nursery room during the Sunday service from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Children may be taken there anytime during the service or remain for the entire service.Please visit our website or call us for more Info.You are also welcome to come to our services!. |Education|Ministers|Bible Study|Lutheran Churches