In 1970, Lynn Anderson recorded a catchy country tune titled, ??A???a?sA???a??Rose Garden.??A???a?sA???A? It included the famous phrase; ??A???a?sA???a??I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden, along with the sunshine, there??A???a?sA???a?zA?s gotta be a little rain sometimes.??A???a?sA???A? God never promised in his Word that our lives would be free of problems. In fact, life is full of them. Very often our perspective on Biblical truth can keep us bound when facing life??A???a?sA???a?zA?s problems rather than experiencing the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.
Do you ever find yourself asking questions like these? I try hard to live the Christian life, doing the right things, but why do my efforts leave me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied? Why does my Christian walk seem unfulfilling and leave me thinking that there must be more to it? Why isn??A???a?sA???a?zA?t there more life in my Christian life? Are there any answers to my relationship difficulties? Why do I work so hard by my performance to get others to accept and approve of me?
There are answers to these questions and questions like them in the Word of God. At Grace for Life Counseling, I endeavor to walk with you wherever you find yourself spiritually to seek the truth found in the Bible that teaches the way that God intends for us to live. Often times in secular counseling and some types of Christian counseling the objective is to improve the counselee??A???a?sA???a?zA?s self esteem and to strengthen their self confidence. At Grace for Life you will be shown the Biblical way, God??A???a?sA???a?zA?s way, of saying goodbye to living in dependence on yourself and embracing the ??A???a?sA???a??new and living way??A???a?sA???A? of living life in dependency on ??A???a?sA???a??Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1.27)??A???a?sA???A?
. Individual,marriage,family and child counseling