Just by choosing to come here, this tells me that you are on a search. Possibly a search for a happier relationship, or a search to let go of the pain from the past, or, simply, peace. My name is Dr. Michelle Gottlieb and what I do is help people who are on their journey. I cannot do it for you, but I can help you along the way. I work with people who are struggling with many different issues in their lives, such as depression and anxiety. I also help couples create the kind of relationship that will make them happy. This does not always mean that the relationship has a happy ending. Sometimes the happiest ending is just an ending. I work with people who were raised in families where alcohol, drugs, violence or abuse were part of the experience of growing up. I help these people to do the healing that they need to lead a happy life. I work with people who are victims of domestic violence, crime, or trauma. I also work with people who suffer from chronic pain and are looking for answers.