I am a frequent customer of Gordon's Photo Service in Reno. Gordon's is a great camera and photographer's resource shop that offers everything from film and cameras, to lenses and tripods, printing and framing, to education and friendly help.
I find Gordon's to be a great help to me, as an avid photographer, when I need immediate help or service. They almost always have the answers, parts or services I need available within a reasonable amount of time. They have even rushed photo print orders for me, at no extra charge, many times.
I have found online printing services to be much less expensive, even when you have to pay shipping, though, so I rarely use them for making enlargements anymore. Their equipment is also on the expensive side, but it is very convenient to have the products available for examination, and to have a truly knowledgeable employee there to answer my many questions.
In many cases the higher price is worthwhile.