i left my 2003 gmc with them to have a flat tire fixed. when i returned to pick it up later in the day, i noticed major damage to the right side. i showed it to them and they denied doing it. it wasent there when i left my truck with them. in there custody they are resonsible for it. i have contacted there corerate office and they say there not going to repair it. i have contacted an attorney about this matter and will be fileing a damage suit against there store. its sad they cant own up to there resposibility of safe keeping while they had it on there property. if anyone else has had issues with this store? please let me know. 12-9-2010, at this time goodyear on johonson drive and there corperate office are still refuseing to pay for the damage's on my 2003 gmc truck. its sad they cant own up to the damage that accurd on there property and make the right choice to reapir it. i wouldnt think an american company would do this to there customers? im deeply sadned by there lack