Last night I went to drop off a bunch of clothes to give to Goodwill. I had already made one stop earlier in the day and made a mental note that they were open until 6:00 according to their sign. I rushed over and arrived at the Goodwill at 5:52 to drop off the last load. The 20-something year old attendant opened the door and said they were closed. I pointed over at the sign that said 6:00 and he said, ""My clock says six,"" with a smirk.
He was clearly just being a lazy punk and didn't want to do anything, because it was almost time for him to be off. I can sympathize with someone not wanting to sort through a bag of clothes in 8 minutes, but he wouldn't have had to do anything! I volunteered at a place just like Goodwill as a teenager and we would have just set the bag to the side and taken care of it the next day.