Goodwill Industries has been providing services in the Springfield and surrounding areas since 1938. Goodwill serves those with barriers to employment. This includes individuals with disabilities, people with limited work history, those who have experienced corporate downsizing and recipients of government support programs. Goodwill's services are designed to meet the training and placement needs of the individual.
The clothing and household goods you donate are sold in our local Goodwill retail stores and on our Internet auction site, The revenues fund job training and other services to prepare people for job success.
Goodwill also generates income helping businesses fill gaps caused by labor shortages, time constraints and limited space or equipment. We train and employ contract workers to fill outsourced needs for document management, assembly, mailing, custodial work, groundskeeping and more.
More than 84 percent of Goodwill?s total revenues are used to fund education and career services, and other critical community programs.. Motorcycles|Vehicles|Watches