Travelers Beware!!! Jerk Water Town USA does exist. Do not drive over the speed limit even by 1 mile per hour, if you do your getting stopped!! Don't have your Windows Tinted either. These Nevada Highway Patrol don't care to make peoples life miserable in anyway shape or form. Who should have Respect for Law Enforcement when its abused to collect $$$ from people just by travel. Clark County gets Big Dollors from all the Casinos. Not even California does that and it 11 miles away. GoodSprings Court is a Redneck Poor White Trash Justice Branch. The Staff is Rude, Disrespectful, Ignorant, Uneducated people that mistreat Californians with minor 1-5 Mhp Traffic or HWY Violations. They have a process if your fine is say $250 they will make you pay and still want you to appear in Court in front of a Judge to be read a sentence of Infractions. What kind of Crap is that if you've paid? It makes no sense. Good Old Boy attitude is why played in 2010 you think this Crap town would get with it and grow up and stop jerking people around abusing power.
The Flip Side is if Nevada Travelers where to do that in California there is no way that happens. CHP has way better things to that jerk around people driving through.