The Gold's B&B is simple. Your room is nice, clean, with a few nic-nacs, but not much. The best part of the stay is visiting with the Gold's. Mr. Gold has so many stories, he brought out photos to share with us. While the breakfast isn't all out eggs and bacon and such, there is more than you can eat, and displayed beautifully-we had a wedge of pineapple cut into bite-sized pieces with yogurt and berries on top-it was beautiful and delicious! They also had cereals, bagels, cinnamon rolls and more! The house sits amidst corn crops, but has beautiful landscaping, several small barns and a garden. The Gold's grandchildren to come to visit and you'll see their toys in the toy room! I definitely recommend this place because the owner's are so nice, but also because it rivals or beats the hotel prices!!