I never write negative reviews. This is the first one.
My internist suggested I see dermatologist for a mole on face that needs to be removed and to discuss anti-aging options.
In order to make in time for my appointment I had to leave work taking work home for the evening and spend quality time struggling to get to Skokie from downtown. When I realized I will be almost 15 minutes late I panicked and called the office. I explained that I was stuck in traffic and am very sorry, I understand that being 15 minutes late is rude. Doctor office assistant told me that I will not be seen and have to reschedule. Yes, of course I understand ? me being late will make another patient wait for 15 minutes. I was glad doctor respects time of others and makes sure violators or his schedule are not allowed to come.
I reschedule for 6 mo in advance. I knew that taking time off work again will be hard, so I had to plan in advance.
On the day of my appointment I arrived early to complete the paperwork by the time of my appointment.
For some reason no one even acknowledged when the appointment time have passed, his office seems calm and continue discussing their personal matters, no one paid any attention to patient waiting.
When it was AN HOUR past my appointment time I asked if there is an issue with me seeing the doctor. I got an answer that all questions have to be directed to the doctor, which seemed impossible because there were no doctor!
When it was almost an hour and 20 minutes I was told that there will be at least another 30-40 minutes wait!
The only reason I got ? doctor is running late.
Doctor is not an obstetrician who can have emergency delivery (in fact my gynecologist?s office calls all scheduled patients if she is called for delivery, because they respect our time and busy schedules).
Doctor can have emergencies or be busy, or what not. His office responsibility shall be managing people scheduled for that day.
I felt that there is no respect to people and only those who do not respect themselves (or prefer spending their days in the waiting room staring into the wall) shall consider this doctor.
Making money is not the only goal of medical profession, which is quite often forgotten nowadays.
I felt bad, will never consider the doctor and his sloppy rude office.