This Golden Corral moved from Madison Heights. They needed more room to expand, so they built this restaurant from the ground up. This place is big and it is always packed. Weekends or not. Their menu expanded too. They have the biggest and best and freshest salad bar too. Their salad bar also includes some things you never see on other salad bars.. like tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad and lots of deli meats like roast beef ham and pepperoni! Their crab salad and crab legs are fresh and deelish!
The hot food includes chicken, fried and roasted, fish, hot pastas and loads of sides like deelish hot cabbage boiled with meat running through it. Oh my! This food is hot and fresh. I haven't even gotten to the fresh hot baked goods like yeasty rolls, sweet rolls, rye and white breads and for dessert: fresh pies, cakes, brownies, blondies, frozen custard style ice cream from a machine. Make yourself a deelish parfait with the different toppings like hot fudge and fresh fruits. This place is just like your home, if you had the time to cook all of this food! lol!