Be careful. They are unreasonable, dishonest and rather unpleasant to deal with. We recently bought a home and later found the previous owner had awnings stored with them. We called to let them know of the change in owners, to see what they had and make arrangements. They couldn't find the file and so agreed to call back. We stressed that we wanted to discuss this before any work was done. Instead a few days later they came out and installed the awnings. We very much do not like several and one was put up between the branches of a tree and is being battered and making noise in any wind. I ended up having to go out and take several down myself and have more to do. I offered a partial payment of $100 (invoice was for $131.38) inn hopes of appeasing them for the work they did, even if it was unrequested so the workers didn't suffer for their time. Considering we had no agreement with them, expressly forbid any work before making arrangements with us, made modifications to our home that we did not want and then had to undo, I believed that to be more than fair. They decided that fighting over the remaining $31.38 is more important and so threatened legal action. They have also been unreasonable, unpleasant to speak with and both lie when they say they will do something and hang up rather than discuss anything if they don't like the conversation.