I can only speak from my own family's experience, but God's Little Blessings should be renamed ""God's TREMENDOUS Blessings"" as it has been a cornerstone in our child's life. Our 11 year old son has gone to GLB since the age of one and we have grown to love the very qualified staff and consider the owners to be personal friends. In fact, we are mourning the fact that our son only has a few days left at GLB before he will be too old. I don't make these comments to demean anyone elses' opinion - I love that we live in a free country and are free to express our opinions. I wonder though, if you would use the same ""sharp"" words in person as you would in this type of forum. Is GLB the perfect daycare? No! There isn't one. Are any of us perfect? I only know of one who walked this earth that was and it is only through His perfection and Grace that I make it through each day. Sorry to be wordy, but like the old Merle Haggard song goes, ""you're walking on the fighting side of me"" when it comes to running down GLB. All parents, including myself, think our own children are little angels. The fact is, GLB has their hands full and they have to take into consideration the safety, security, and christian learning aspects of our children. Do they miss a step here or there? I'm sure they do, but I would give them an A++++ rating as would the MAJORITY of the longtime GLB parents. Thank you GLB for the service and care you provide! We appreciate and love you very much. Do not let the unkind and inconsiderate words of others get you down. God alone is the judge and He will never leave nor forsake you. May God continue to bless and protect GLB!