“If you don't mind having your living room torn up for a couple of months and/or surprise charges after job completion/payment (complete with collection agency threats) than this is the company for you. Be prepared to make numerous calls to these guys in order to get them to finish the installation after they've started. Hopefully you have the ability to take off lots of time from work because you'll need to. Expect it to take several visits as they'll have a hard time procuring whatever you order from them. Whatever you do don't pre-pay your order (like we did) or they'll never finish. You'll be fortunate after it's all said and done if you end up with the fireplace and surround you originally ordered and paid for. Not a pleasant experience. “
The only positive came from the sub-contractors they hire to do the work. They're professional and timely once they're eventually provided with the correct materials (from Glowing H&H).