In an attempt to find some authentic Mexican food in this area of Garland (which is filled with Mexican restaurants), we decided on Tacqueria Cholula when we saw the restaurant almost completely filled with Hispanic patrons. The restaurant was decorated with festive ambience, not lacking like at most of these type places. It was seat yourself as most of the patrons and wait staff were busy watching World Cup highlights on the TV. Salsa and chips were brought out immediately. Good salsa, extra limey. I ordered the Cholula Plate which came with carnitas, fajita meat, and 2 chicken flautas. My friend ordered the bistec ranchera. The chicken flautas were some of the best I've had, crunchy on the outside, juicy on the inside. The carnitas were different that what I'd expected, carved off of a roasted loin. However, I thought it would've helped the carnitas and fajitas to be served with some kind of sauce, as they were both dry by themselves. I mixed them with the refried beans to get better texture. My friend was satisfied with his order but not overly impressed.
Pros: Salsa, good refried beans
Cons: Dry meat dishes, slight language barrier with wait staff