The best place to get international canned foods and produce. Their prices are usually the same as Schnucks but somtimes cheaper. It isn't the cleanest and the Deli Counter eats food publicly while working. However, there is no place like it in St. Louis County. They carry the good international brands (like Mae Ploy). If you're looking for green, red, yellow, or paneang curry paste...this is the place to go. They carry Mae Ploy, which is what all of the greatest Thai Restaurants use in St. Louis. Their smoked salmon seems to be the lowest price in Missouri (Even lower than Sam's Club). They also carry very rare peppers ie. Ghost Peppers. I was in there the other day and the staff seemed to have a bit of an attitude. Especially when a customer asked them to wipe clean the conveyor belt...which was dirty as their floors. Regardless, I will be back. Hopefully they have a little employee training about customer service, or they fire the girls who do nothing but have catty attitudes towards customers.