AWFUL UNPROFESSIONAL COMPANY!! Most, if not all, employees operate without a guard card and no experience. The owner, Brian Anderson, has owned (and subsequently closed) 3 similar security companies. Because the company doesn't follow labor laws or pay it's employees, they have had several Labor Board complaints. Rather than pay the employees the money they are owed, Brian Anderson simply closes up shop and starts a new company. Also, Global Event Staffing operates without Worker's Comp. Insurance....another source of legal issues. If you are thinking of hiring this company, SAVE YOURSELF THE HEADACHE. AGAIN, THEY ARE UNPROFESSIONAL AND DO NOT FOLLOW LABOR LAWS. If YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT WORKING FOR THIS COMPANY, DON'T!!!! YOU WILL NEVER GET PAID!!! If you require documented proof of such exploits, send me an email and I would be happy to oblige. Hope this info helps everyone from making a HUGE mistake.
Pros: not much
Cons: see description below