Completely surprised this company has five stars. I'll have to bring that rating back down to earth. Signed up with this company about three years ago for home heating oil delivery and automatic refill. I picked this company because they are located in my city of Burien and I like to stick with local companies when possible. I drive by this company twice a day. Once on my way to work and then again on my way home. I expect this company to make a profit, yet not screw you. That I guess is subjective and for you to decide. So here is my history with Gendale. It was probably my second delivery with this company and I thought their price was a little high so I called a couple of companies and discovered their price was about .50 higher than the the others. When you could be refilling up to 300 gallons that adds up. I don't rember the prices since it was a couple years ago. So I thought well no big deal it was probably just bad timing to be purchasing from Glendale. When I signed up with them I it was on the automatic refill plan which I think saved you .05 a gallon or some minimal amount that one could never prove whether you saved .05 or not. I asked them for a call before they delivered and they agreed. My thoughts were I would ask them the price per gallon before I ok'd the delivery. Well the next two deliveries they did not call me. When I complained the second time they apologized and said their records did not reflect my request. They offered me a 25.00 credit. I cancelled my automatic delivey and service at that time. Trying to control heating cost I bought a new wood stove about a month ago. Well wood ain't cheap either, but a fire sure is nice. So today I was at work talking with a co-worker and we got on the topic of heating oil. She said she got a delivery from Puget Sound Oil a week ago and it was 3.68 a gallon. So I thought hmm price has dropped since the last time I had a delivery from Glendale about a year ago. Back then I paid about 4.40 a gallon. Of course, since they didn't call before they delivered it I was stuck with that price which seemed high to me. So did I learn my lesson with Glendale? No, I learn slow. Plus, I still wanted to stick with a local company. Wanted to think they were still ok. So today on my way home I stopped at Glendale. Talked to the gentleman and the lady behind the desk. They were very nice. I said I wanted to fill up my tank and to resign with them and wanted automatic delivery again. This would have been about 225 gallons for this delivery. She asked if I wanted a call before hand in the future - must have seen a comment on her computer. I said no that dosn't work so well. She didn't offer up a price just said it would be delivered tomorrow. Before leaving I asked the price she said it just dropped to $4.29. I gave her a surprized look and she confirmed that price. As soon as I got home I called Puget Sound Oil to get their price it was $3.79. That is .50 cheaper. So I ordered from them. Next I called up Glendale talked with the same nice lady told her who I was and wanted to confirm the price she gave me 30 minutes earlier. Yeap, still $4.29. I said I would like cancel my delivery and auto refill with them. She figured out I had found a cheaper price and said they have a price match program. I said 3.79 with Puget Sound. She said we can match that. No need to tell but I dumped them. So much for wanting to trust a local family owned company. A couple weeks ago I noticed across the street and 2 house to the north they were filled by Glendale. Can't wait to talk to him. I'm going to stick with Puget Sound, but tomorrow I'm calling Cenex just to see what their price is. They had good price last time I called them. I'm sure Glendale will read this and knowing my name is Don I and that I live in Burien it shouldn't be hard to figure out who I am. I'll be expecting a call with an apology. Time to rethink your family owned business values.
I read couple of other reviews here saying they might be a couple of dollars more and their customer service is excellent.
I say heating oil is heating oil why be willing to pay over a hundred dollars more for a tank fill up.
If you paying for service and you think it's outstanding then yes be willing to pay more the service but not for the oil. I've had furnace service from other companies such as Genesee. Glendales service was fine not any better than other companies though certainly is not worth paying a premium on your oil.
Something is wrong paying more for heating oil than the gas station is charging you for the same stuff with red dye and road taxes.
RESPONSE FROM Glendale Heating:
There is nothing wrong with wanting to make your dollar go farther, and if you are willing to shop around you can certainly find low prices in any industry. Our oil prices are in line with other companies that offer the range of services we do, and we offer the value of personalized service. Companies that have a higher volume such fleet fuelers or marine diesel companies can charge a lower price, and do. We are always happy to deliver you some oil, or provide service, we are only a phone call away. We wish you all the best, and hope we hear from you again.