I am so glad that I have found this pharmacy! I got my wisdom teeth taken out 2 weeks ago and saw a brochure for Glenoaks Pharmacy in my dentist's office. I decided to give them a try, since their advertisement was so appealing. Free delivery, over 40 years of experience, friendly staff, and less than 10 minutes wait time (which is excellent when you're been sitting in a dentists chair for 1 hour!). So I had my dentist call them up, give the prescription over the phone, and when I went there, I literally only had to wait 5 minutes until they put my information in their system. I imaigine the next time I go there, the wait time will be EVEN less!! GIVE THEM A TRY... =)
Pros: Fast... Convenient...Friendly...& a more personal experience than chains
Cons: none!