Based in Kalispell. Mont. . Glacier JET center is a FULL-SERVICE fixed base operator (FBO) offering a wide range of aircraft rental and maintenance services to its clients. Located AT the glacier park international airport. The firm provides line services. Aircraft training and aircraft maintenance services. Its line service agents are experienced and certified by Nata professional line service training. It offers flight training through computer based instruction program that uses fully interactive graphics and full motion video. Presentations by aviation educators and actual training in the aircraft. Glacier JET center offers professional aircraft maintenance for ALL aircraft types and its capabilities also include 24-HOUR AOG service. Authorized cirrus service center. Composite repairs and dynamic prop BALANCE/ROTOR track balance. The center offers concierge services to visitors guiding them to ALL the local recreational attractions. Including skiing and snowmobiling in the winter or mountain biking. Hiking. FLY-FISHING. Golfing and White-water rafting in the summer.