The experience I had with the Gilberts began with a lie and it went down hill from there. Without publishing a book I'll just say that when I approached Molly with my problem I could not even complete a sentence before I was verbally assaulted. I have never felt so insulted or betrayed in my life as I did at the end of our conversation. It is very unfortunate that this ""Christian"" family can't be more honest and forthcoming in there business dealings. Use extreme caution when entering into a business deal and I strongly recommend a second opinion. Do not pay them until everything they say is done is verified by another professional. I will never do business with the Gilbert family again. The one star rating I gave was the minimum required to publish ,otherwise I would not have given any stars.
Pros: If there are any I don't know what they are.
Cons: Dishonest ! Deceitful ! Unreliable ! Customer means nothing