When I first moved into my house I visited Giant often because the prices were very good. There are many other local supermarket chains here that are close-by, but I chose Giant because of the price. After a few weeks I realized that they don't have as good of a selection as the other local stores and decided another supermarket was worth the few cents more per item because of their selection.
Recently Giant had a massive renovation and greatly improved the selection and appearance of their store. They now have a very nice prepared food section, butcher section and seafood section.
They did change the floor layout so it is hard for me to figure out where everything is, but I am getting used to it.
If you join their club you will save a lot of money. It is just a card that you swipe before each and every checkout. You need one of these to get the sale prices.
About once a month or every other month they have a flier with triple coupons. They triple up to .75 on SIX coupons. They cannot be the same coupons. One of their policies is that they only double or triple ONE like coupon. If you have two of the same for .50, one will double to $1 and the other will only deduct .50. I have to take this into serious consideration because I usually have coupons for more than one of the same item.