We've created a weight-training program that's ideal for women.. With our programs,specifically designed for Women,we have 4 components of your transformation:
Weight Training - If you increase your muscle tone by just 5 pounds,you'll increase your resting metabolism by approximately 200 calories per day. That's 1,400 calories per week! You'll also burn approximately 200 calories during your weight-training workout.
Cardio - You'll be introduced to interval training. Interval-training cardio helps to accelerate fat and calorie burning,lower blood pressure and heart rate,increase your good cholesterol,getting you and your heart in shape.
Nutrition - Your nutrition plan is a key component of your successful body transformation. 6 balanced meals per day,one every 2-3 hours,6 days per week,with 1 Free Day.
Accountability - Accountability is also foundational to your successful body transformation. We'll check your weight weekly and body fat monthly to make sure you're on track.