It's a nice new theater with a grand sense of style in the lobby and all stadium seating in the theaters -- it must have cost them a fortune. They have some attractive programs (The Mom's Club and Kid's Summer Movie Deal). The Sound system is what you would expect for a recently built theater, clear and full. I'm not sure what projection system is in use, but it also appears to be up to contemporary standards.
But they are a good example of the old saw, "Beauty is only skin-deep". For all the effort and money they invested in it, the concessions are "stale", if not 3rd rate (at the normal inflated prices) and the staff behind the counter seem to always lack *any* sense of urgency in moving the line of customers forward.
But the deal killer for us is the popcorn that causes you to wonder if it was popped two or three days prior. Going to a movie without getting good popcorn is like driving a car without hub-caps or eating a boiled egg without salt. It just leaves a noticeable gap in what would otherwise be a complete movie-going experience. The Georgian's popcorn is dry, tasteless and almost guaranteed to resemble puffed cardboard. The fact that they offer several "Flavored Seasonings" at the ends of the counter to shake on the top of your bag doesn't really help. What the Georgian needs to do to take top theater honors in Newnan is to take some concession notes from the other theater down the street.
Considering that once you are seated and the film is rolling, most modern theaters are comparable in "Viewing and Listening" quality to those of us who are "Average Joe's" and are not audio/video "nuts". Admittedly, ours is a limited, nit-picking complaint, but it is enough for our friends and us to choose the other (Carmike) theater whenever we have the choice.
In our opinion, the Georgian theater gets edged out, ever so slightly, by the Carmike cinema.