My young former foster daughter has gotten into the title-loan-mess in Camden County. Today, the company contacted her and advised her if she does not make a payment within 24 hours, a warrant will be issued for her arrest.\r
KNOWING that this is a civil matter in many areas, I personally contacted the company, saying I was thinking about trying to pay the loan payment for my daughter. I mentioned that I THOUGHT it was a civil matter and that they could take her to court for judgment, but that my daughter said that she had been threatened with the warrant. The young lady I spoke with responded, um, well, um, we have the option to go either way. I then asked her out of which court the warrant would be issued. She didn't answer, but said if I made the payment there would be no warrant. When I asked from WHERE the warrant would be issued if I did NOT make the payment, she simply said "Woodbine." If I had been on my game, I would have asked her under what criminal code the warrant