I have been a good tenant for the past year and a half. I have paid my rent on time every single month. One month, I was charged double because my credit card and my bank account were both charged. I never threatened legal action. On December 26th, my bank sent out the rent check for January. On the 20th, I got very nasty letter titled "Notice To Quit." This letter was cruel and used complex legal jargon that alluded to the possibility that I would be evicted because apparently i apparently had failed "to pay rent on or before the first day of each and every month." I was extremely offended at this letter. Never once was I contacted via cell that was on file about this. I had checked that the payment had in fact been delivered online. Cashing the check is their responsibility. Given my record, I would have expected them to approach me in a respectful way. Instead, I got a letter that had a great deal of legal jargon, bold and capitalized. I don't deserve to be treated this way. I sent them the confirmation # for my check that was sent on 12/26 obviously "on or before January 1st." I placed a stop order on the check and have hand-written a new one that i will have to waste personal time to deliver by hand. I had my bank contact the community to confirm the details of my payment. Don't move here. A perfect tenant is treated like a criminal who is trying to slide by on rent. I will not be renewing my lease.