George C. Birlant & Co, one of the largest and oldest antiques establishments in the southeast, was founded in 1922 by George Birlant. As one of the most highly respected antiques dealers in the nation, George Birlant was also well-known as an auctioneer of fine, prestigious estates. He conducted hundreds of auctions during his lifetime in their saleroom at 191 King Street in Charleston and throughout the southeast. George Birlant died in 1971 and left a legacy of quality and integrity to his daughter, Marian Birlant Slotin, son-in-law Phil H. Slotin and grandson, Andrew Birlant Slotin Today, the Slotins work tirelessly to preserve the company's heritage and fine reputation. With regular buying trips to England and the Continent, Birlant's readily has an extensive collection of personally selected 18th and 19th century English antique furniture, silver, china, crystal and brass. Their inventory also boasts a number of consignments and local acquisitions. Specialties include chests of drawers, highboys, dining tables, sets of dining chairs, sideboards, bureau bookcases, linen presses, grandfather clocks, fireplace fenders, porcelain dessert services, platters, crystal decanters, wine rinses and a large selection of Sheffield and Victorian plate. Additionally, Birlant's employs a staff of qualified cabinetmakers in the UK who regularly bench make a wide variety of traditional reproduction furniture in mahogany, walnut, yew wood and pine. These pieces as well as customer's own designs are available at extraordinarily reasonable prices. There is a wide assortment of handsome gift items and gift wrapping is free of charge. Over 100 reproduction chandeliers and lighting fixtures are on display and source books open up limitless opportunities in this field. Please phone, write or e-mail us with your specific needs and our staff will be pleased to provide you immediately with digital images, dimensions and other pertinent information. Geo. C. Birlant & Co has been making the famous and authentic Charleston Battery Bench for more than 50 years. The heavy cast iron sides are still made from the old molds ( circa 1880 ). The wooden slats are durable South Carolina cypress. The bench is sold all over America through magazine advertising, and at Geo. C. Birlant & Co, located in the heart of Charleston's antiques district in a very large three-story building which was built around 1850.