I had all my wisdom teeth extracted in 4/10 by Dr. Grillon. He has offices in Bethesda and Westminster, MD. Not only did he fail to properly anaesthetize me, I found his communication, lack of compassion and bedside manner to be the worst. Dr. Grillon himself (or direction to his staff) must have given him high ratings. I find it hard to believe that there were no negative comments. Check out www.yelp.com and www.ratemds.com for additional ratings.
I was in so much pain during the procedure- shaking, crying and hyperventilating, and Dr. Grillon did not stop to calm or talk to me except to rudely tell me I should not have jumped in the chair when I felt pain. I requested gas, and he refused it telling me it would still hurt. He immediately left the room after pulling my last wisdom tooth. I had my dentist remove my stitches for fear of going back to Dr. Grillon. If you have been referred to Dr. Grillon, I urge you to see another oral surgeon.