I legally use Antonelli's Deli as my commisary. Andy has been my father in law since I married his daughter, Diane, in 1995. No we dont hang out there but we are there from 4:00 pm to 6:00 Monday thru Saturday. We prep food. Store food and clean up there after catering. I dont know who this person taked to which made him think I was a fake but I just wanted to set the record straight. He must have missed the sign next to the coke machine letting folks know my sauces are sold there and the three bottles on display up behind the registers as well. If you haven't tried a sandwich from Antonelli's do go by and discover one of the best deli sandwiches around. If you haven't tried my sauces they're on sale there as well in three award winning flavors...Mild, Spicy and Hot. San Diego's own Geno's BBQ Catering and Geno's Premium Sauces. Local native since 1952 and 100% American. \r
Please also note: We're no longer affiliated with my old restaurant, Geno's bbq in downtown El Cajon. If you want the original taste of Geno's BBQ and my propietary sauces please give us a call. Sincerely, Geno
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Cons: Reviews can be harmful and deceitful