Welcome to Geneva Center for Allergy & Integrative Medicine. Dr. Richard Hrdlicka is a family practice doctor specializing in:
-Preventive & Nutritional Medicine
-Environmental Medicine
Dr. Richard Hrdlicka is a licensed medical and board certified doctor with over 25 years of experience. He has an integrative practice using acupuncture, allergy elimination techniques, nutrition and homeopathy blended with traditional family practice.
Other areas of practice include:
-Colds and Flus
-Gastrointestinal Disorders
-Menstrual Disorders
-Musculoskeletal Disorders
-Natural Thyroid
-Nutrition Osteoporosis
-Pain Management
-Weight Reduction
In addition to symptoms treated mentioned above, we also offer behavioral health services using the following techniques:
-Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.)
-Neuro Modulation Technique (N.M.T.)
The Geneva Center For Allergy & Integrative Medicine has a very welcoming and friendly staff. Upon your initial consultation, Dr. Hrdlicka will take the time to listen to your medical concerns, and then come up with an individualized comprehensive plan.
Our practice also offers a wide variety of nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic supplements.
Call us to schedule an appointment so you can start feeling better today!