Genesis Rehab Services Physical Therapy Clinic-Whiting, Indiana provides skilled one on one physical therapy care to our patients in Northwest Indiana and the South Suburbs of Chicago land. We are committed to helping each individual patient achieve their highest level of function by working on pain, strength, range of motion, endurance, and kinesio-taping. We offer pain relief treatment for a range of conditions, including: back pain, lower back pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, joint replacement, strains and sprains, joint dysfunction, neurological conditions, motor vehicle accidents, muscle injuries. No waiting policy, most Insurance plans accepted flexible payment options for any treatment your insurance may not cover. Call Genesis Rehab Services today to schedule a free consultation.. |Pain Clinics|Pain Clinics|Repetitive Strain Injuries|Injuries|On-Site Physicians|Back Pain|Back Pain|Back Pain|Back Pain|Diseases|Neck Pain|Neck Pain|Neck Pain|Neck Pain|Headaches|Headaches|Headaches|Headaches|Arthritis|Arthritis|Arthritis